Giovani contro il razzismo! Un progetto europeo al via.

Data e ora: Pubblicato il: 15 Aprile 2010 in Magazine

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Dettagli Post Magazine

 width=Youth Against Racism!

Prenderà inizio a breve un interessante progetto europeo sul tema del contrasto alle forme di razzismo e xenofobia. Il percorso interesserà giovani italiani, bulgari e ungheresi e si propone di sensibilizzare operatori giovanili e giovani alla lotta contro il razzismo e la xenofobia oltre che ai diritti umani. Con il progetto si vuole raggiungere, attraverso I giovani e gli operatori giovanili, anche le organizzazioni di appartenenza. Per partecipare alla selezione dei partecipanti, c’è tempo fino al 20 aprile.

Obiettivo finale del progetto è infatti quello di far in modo che le organizzazioni giovanili coinvolte nel progetto definiscano ed adottino politiche organizzative anti-razziste.

Destinatari diretti:

  • 3 educatori/formatori per il corso di formazione in Bulgaria (Giugno 2010)
  • 40 partecipanti (operatori giovanili, educatori) per gli workshops in Italia (Luglio-Ottobre 2010)
  • 5 partecipanti al meeting finale in Ungheria (Marzo 2011)

Destinatari indiretti:

  • organizzazioni giovanili
  • giovani
  • enti pubblici

Modalità di presentazione domande:

La data di scadenza per presentare domanda è il 20 Aprile 2010.

Le domande dovranno essere spedite via email a Silvia Volpi entro le 23.59 del 20 aprile 2010.

Tutti coloro che avranno i requisiti formali per partecipare al corso in Bulgaria saranno convocati all’incontro del 22 aprile 2010 a Firenze alle ore 15.

Per coloro che non saranno selezionati per il corso in Bulgaria, ci sarà la possibilità di partecipare ai seminari in Toscana fra luglio e ottobre 2010.



Attività Luogo e data Chi partecipa
Corso di formazione internazionale sul tema della diversità discriminazione e diritti umani Bulgaria

17-22 Giugno 2010

1 formatore da AEF

3 partecipanti (educatori/formatori)

2 Workshop di due giorni sul tema della discriminazione e diritti umani Regione Toscana

Date da definire fra luglio e ottobre 2010

5 formatori (2 di AEF e 3 formati in Bulgaria)

40 partecipanti (educatori/operatori giovanili) rappresentanti 40 diverse organizzazioni

Sviluppo ed attuazione di politiche organizzative anti-razziste nelle organizzazioni dei partecipanti al corso in Bulgaria e ai seminari in Italia Regione Toscana da ottobre 2010 a Gennaio 2011 40 organizzazioni
Seminario in Ungheria su “Mainstreaming l’antirazzismo in tutte le aree del lavoro giovanile” Ungheria

3 giorni  a Marzo 2011

5 operatori giovanili
Conferenza Stampa a chiusura del progetto Regione Toscana

Maggio 2011

Tutti i partecipanti

Training of Trainers

Mainstreaming anti-racist awareness in youth work

17th – 22nd June 2010, Sozopol, Bulgaria

Aim and objectives

The Training of Trainers is an important part of the Youth against Racism project (see description of the project).

Main aim: To prepare the trainers for designing, implementing and evaluating in-country trainings for mainstreaming anti-racism in the activities of youth organizations.

Specific objectives:

  • To raise awareness and upgrade capacity of the participants on the issues of Human rights, racism and minorities;
  • To present educational tools and methods for teaching Human Rights and anti-racism with young people;
  • To build skills in designing educational programme along with other trainers’ competences for teaching Human  rights and anti-racism;
  • To put the participants in the project context and prepare them for the follow-up: in-country trainings, anti-racist organizational policies, online campaign.

Profile of the participants for the training of trainers

The training of trainers will gather 18 people from Bulgaria, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Hungary and Italy. The selection of the participants will be made by the project partner in each country (see contacts of the partner organizations). The profile of the participants is:

  • Preferably aged 22-30;
  • Good command of English;
  • Have experience in youth work;
  • Have time and desire for long-term involvement in the project;
  • Preferably have a trainer background.

Gender balance in the group of participants is expected.

Methodology of the training

The preliminary agenda has been already set up at a meeting of the training team in March 2010. The agenda of the training is designed on the principles of non-formal education. It will use interactive methods and will encourage active learning.

Team of trainers

  • Silvia Volpi – president of the Italian non-profit organization Accademia europea di Firenze and part of the pool of trainers of the Coincil of Europe, especially experienced in Human Rights Education, intercultural learning, youth participation, European citizenship, etc. Considerable experience in training trainers.
  • Garba Diallo – president of the Danish non-profit organization Crossing Borders, experienced facilitator, mediator, trainer and project leader, working with youth, young media people and educators in conflict – Palestinians/Israelis, Hutus/Tutsis in Burundi, Roma people in Europe.
  • Aristodimos Parashou – president of the Greek non-profit organization United Societies of Balkans, trained for trainer on Human Rights Education by the Council of Europe, expert on Balkan issues, master on Multicultural education.
  • Vladislav Petkov – youth leader and trainer from Bulgaria, trained for trainer on Human rights education by the Council of Europe, especially experienced on intercultural dialogue and development (global) education.

Technical information

Participants will be expected to arrive on 17th June 2010 by noon and leave 22nd June 2010 in the afternoon. The training will take place at the Bulgarian seaside, in the resort Sozpol.

The working sessions will be held in the venue where participants will be accommodated: Meals will be provided at the same venue.

100% of travel cost will be covered – the organizational team will purchase flight tickets upon receiving of registration forms. Accommodation, meals and educational materials are also covered by the project. However, participants are expected to attend 100% of the working sessions.

The project

The Training of Trainers is organized in the framework of the Youth against Racism project – transnational project which involves non-governmental organizations from Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Denmark and Spain with the main aim to raise awareness among youth organizations and bodies about the problems of racism, xenophobia and discrimination and to mainstream anti-racist measures in their policies. The project starts officially on the 10th January 2010 and ends on 10th July 2011. Through seminar trainings, exchange of experience, cross-border cooperation and consultancy, youth organizations dealing with various issues (environment, charity, youth political participation, arts, leisure, etc.) will be challenged to explore their contribution in building tolerant Europe and to cross-cut anti-racist policies in their work. The project will create anti-racist youth organizational policies and resources, which will be highly promoted.

The project activities could be conventionally grouped into three main components: preparation, main action and follow-up.

1)   The preparation phase includes: kick-off meeting, preparation trainers meeting and international training of trainers. These activities are extremely important to prepare the partners for the implementation of the rest of the project. They insure the partner communication for integrated action and the capacity building among the partners for mainstreaming anti-racism in all spheres of youth work.

2)   The main action phase enables the partners to work directly with 120 youth organizations and bodies, to train and consult them. Milestones in this round of activities are 2 in-country seminars in each country and the international workshop that will be held in Hungary gathering 30 participants. Online campaigning on mainstreaming anti-racism in youth work cross-cuts the whole project and reaches to stakeholders out of the participating countries.

3)   The follow-up phase follows the main action and is integrated part of the project, insuring its sustainability, multiplication and added value. The main efforts in this phase are focused on creating, printing and promoting the project publication, respectively – the project outcomes. Evaluation meeting is planned to serve as a tool for evaluating the action and for project-follow up discussion.


For overall questions concerning the training write to

For questions concerning traveling and logistics please address: or

For questions concerning the selection of participants please refer to the project partner in your country.

Project partners


CEGA Foundation




United Societies of Balkans




Hungarian Association for Community Development



Accademia Europea in Florence




Crossing Borders




Union Romani Andalucia



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