
Giovanisì – Who we are

Data e ora: Pubblicato il: 22 Maggio 2024 14:30

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Giovanisì, the Region of Tuscany’s project for young people’s autonomy, is a system of opportunities aimed at young people up to 40 years of age and financed through regional, national, and European resources (programming of ESF+, ERDF, and EAFRD funds). It is divided into four areas: I study and train, I work, I run a business, and I participate.

Giovanisì was established in 2011 with the main objective of encouraging the process of transition of young people towards autonomy through opportunities (calls and initiatives) linked to the right to study and training, entry into the world of work, support for entrepreneurship, and the promotion of initiatives and calls for participation and active citizenship.

To date, over 620.000 young people have chosen Giovanisì’s opportunities and more than 2 billion euros have been invested.

More than 80 opportunities linked to the main dimensions of a young person’s life, coordinated communication and information, and an integrated and transversal governance model are the main elements that characterise Giovanisì. In the Law for the Promotion of Regional Youth Policies (Regional Law no.81 of August 6th, 2020), the Region of Tuscany acknowledged the experience and value of the Project.

The Giovanisì project is overseen by Fondazione Sistema Toscana, under the auspices of the Region of Tuscany and is coordinated by Bernard Dika, Spokesperson of the President of Region of Tuscany and Senior Advisor for youth policies.

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